Open Class e-powered glider for the
8-12 cells LMR (Limited Motor Run) or F5J category.
MH-32 airfoil provides a wide speed range, so this glider will have great climb and wind penetration
capability to search for the thermal. Camber change is the key with this
airfoil. Add down camber will allow for good
climb rate in thermals, click some reflex and it will speed through sink. Crow configuration allows accurate
landing. Excellent all around glider.

Fantasy kit content
Kit content:
Fuselage and
canopy are fiberglass moulded with epoxy and gelcoated.
The wings are in
three pieces to facilitate
transportation and storage.
The wings are
balsa sheeted foam wings with ailerons and flaps pre-hinged; all
covered with Oracover.
and rudder, hollow molded.
quality accessories.
illustrated assembly instructions
power package available, motor, controller, folding prop and batteries,
inquiry for current pricing:
Plettenberg Orbit 25-14 on 4S
AC 22/30/3 on 3S
HP220/20/A2 P4 5:1, on 3S
Merga 22/3S on 3S, great for ALES
Mega 22/45/3E on 4S, great for ALES
Fantasy ARF,